Award! ☺


Hello readers! lama kita gak ketemu *eh*
Maaf yaa aku jarang ngepost *emang jarang*, maklumlah, sekarang aku lagi sibuk sama sekolahku. Ya, aku lagi pingin fokus :)

Oiya, walau aku passive. Tapi masih ada orang yang mau berbaik hati ngasih aku award u,u *nyedot ingus*
who is that? she is *JENG JENG JENG JEEEEEENG*

Big thanks to her!
oiya ini awardnya :) enjoy it *eh._.v

And I have some questions of the owner of the award!

1. How long have you been blogging?
already about one year more *english ngaco*
2. When did the first time you blogged?
I do not know, I forgot about it.
3. What is you purpose to making blog?
Initially just for fun to follow my friends, but after a long time so like blogging :)
4. Who inspired you so that your blog becoming like now?
too much, I can not mention one by one here hahah :p
5. Send this award to 5 bloggers:
honestly, I'm confused to give to whom. hm ...

hm, maybe only that. see you, bye :*


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